Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Thermonuclear Fusion Bombs

Fusion bombs have 2 main stages:

Primary Stage and Secondary Stage.

  1. Primary Stage: This is where ordinary fission chain reaction occurs. The radiation from this reaction is used to heat the interior of the bomb to get tempuratures high enough to start the fusion reaction. During the nuclear reaction it gives off neutrons which are used in the secondary part of the reaction.

  2. Secondary Stage: This is made up of lithium-deteuride (2H). Under incredibly heat the lithium-detueride splits into lithium (6Li) and deteurium ions and with the neutrons from the primary stage they react with the lithium and form (4He) and (3H)
    with these reactions: 1 neutron + 6Li --> 4He + 3H
    3H + 2H --> 4He + 1 neutron

These bombs are known as thermonuclear bombs. They are known to be more powerful than fission bombs but the main damage from these bombs are caused by the products of the primary stage of the reaction (the fission reaction).

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