Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Nuclear Fusion in the Future

For many years scientists have tried to understand the process of nuclear fusion and to create a new, safe, and controlled manner of it used as a new source of energy for electric-power generation. If they ever figure out how to control nuclear fusion in a contained space it will eventually take over nuclear fission for many reasons. One of the main reasons being that deuterium (the primary fuel for fusion) is more plentiful and lower in cost than the reaction of fission. This is because it is again cheaper and it is easier to find Hydrogen isotopes than uranium. Another reason why fusion would over ride fission is because fusion creates less radioactive material.

Even though these plans of using nuclear fusion as the new source of energy would be a great revolution for the world, they do not believe they will be able to ever control fusion in contained space because it is difficult to creat the high enough tempuratures and many other detailed tehcnical difficulties.

<--the amount of heat required to cause nuclear fusion to occur

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